Shop COMC's extensive selection of 1992 donruss triple play - [base] baseball cards. Learn More; Register to Sell; . 1992 Triple Play is a baseball card set, produced and distributed by Donruss. 1994 Donruss Triple Play #270 Robin Ventura: $0.24: 1994 Finest #202 Robin Ventura: $0.34: - Inserts and Related Sets 152 HOF. - Rookies Buy from many sellers and get your cards all in one shipment! is doing business for CheckOutMyLLCand is utilizing patented technology. Playing Cards All-Stars #5C Robin Ventura, 1992 Ultra Award Winners #15 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Dennys Holograms #8 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Fan Fest #6 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck FanFest Gold #6 Robin Ventura, 1992 Upper Deck Ted Williams Best #T20 Robin Ventura, 1993 Donruss Diamond Kings #10 Robin Ventura, 1993 Donruss Triple Play #179 Robin Ventura, 1993 Fleer Fruit of the Loom #63 Robin Ventura, 1993 Kenner Starting Lineup #NNO Robin Ventura, 1993 Baseball Card Magazine #35 Robin Ventura, 1993 Humpty Dumpty Canadian #7 Robin Ventura, 1993 Pinnacle Home Run Club #24 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Dome #111 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club First Day Issue #387 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #295 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club Murphy #111 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club ToysRUs #58 Robin Ventura, 1993 Stadium Club White Sox #13 Robin Ventura, 1993 Topps Inaugural Rockies #770 Robin Ventura, 1993 Ultra Award Winners #14 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Dennys Grand Slam Holo #27 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Fun Packs #203 Robin Ventura, 1993 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #263 Robin Ventura, 1994 Bowman Bowmans Best Red #30R Robin Ventura, 1994 Bowman Bowmans Best Red Refractors #30R Robin Ventura, 1994 Donruss Special Edition #23 Robin Ventura, 1994 Donruss Triple Play #270 Robin Ventura, 1994 Finest Refractors #202 Robin Ventura, 1994 Kenner Starting Lineup #55 Robin Ventura, 1994 King-B Discs Square #21 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Artists Proofs #29 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Churchs Hometown Stars #17 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Churchs Hometown Stars Gold #17 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Museum Collection #29 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Power Surge #PS9 Robin Ventura, 1994 Pinnacle Sportflics #66 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club First Day Issue #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Golden Rainbow #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #315 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Team #126 Robin Ventura, 1994 Stadium Club Team First Day Issue #126 Robin Ventura, 1994 Ultra Award Winners #4 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Gold Signature #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #282 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #263 Robin Ventura, 1994 Upper Deck Fun Packs #163 Robin Ventura, 1995 Donruss Press Proofs #378 Robin Ventura, 1995 Donruss Top of the Order #55 Robin Ventura, 1995 Finest Refractors #173 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Artists Proofs #257 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Museum Collection #257 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Select Certified #52 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Sportflix Artists Proofs #6 Robin Ventura, 1995 Pinnacle Sportflix UC3 #53 Robin Ventura, 1995 Score Hall of Gold #32 Robin Ventura, 1995 Score Summit Nth DeGree #24 Robin Ventura, 1995 SP Championship Die Cuts #138 Robin Ventura, 1995 SP Superbafoil (Silver) #138 Robin Ventura, 1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality #193 Robin Ventura, 1995 Studio Gold Series #38 Robin Ventura, 1995 Team Issue Chicago White Sox Kodak #NNO Robin Ventura, 1995 Topps Embossed Golden Idols #123 Robin Ventura, 1995 Ultra Gold Medallion #277 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Gold Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice SE #237 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice SE Silver Signature #237 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #201 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Special Edition #154 Robin Ventura, 1995 Upper Deck Special Edition Gold #154 Robin Ventura, 1996 Bowman Best Refractors #55 Robin Ventura, 1996 Donruss Press Proofs #535 Robin Ventura, 1996 Finest Refractors #280 Robin Ventura, 1996 Flair Gold Lettering #61 Robin Ventura, 1996 Flair Silver Lettering #61 Robin Ventura, 1996 Fleer Silver Foil Variation #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Bronze Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Gold Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Preferred Steel #23 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Preferred Steel Gold #23 Robin Ventura, 1996 Leaf Silver Press Proofs #172 Robin Ventura, 1996 Metal Universe Platinum #41 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pacific Prisms Gold #P92 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Aficionado #100 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle First Rate #11 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified Artists Proofs #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Select Certified Red #46 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Sportflix #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Sportflix Artists Proofs #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Starburst #59 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Starburst Artists Proofs #59 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Summit Above and Beyond #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Pinnacle Summit Foil #79 Robin Ventura, 1996 Score Dugout Collection Artists Proofs #B51 Robin Ventura, 1996 Score Dugout Collection Set B #B51 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Bronze #NNO Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Silver #321 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #193 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Silver #193 Robin Ventura, 1996 Stadium Club Silver #321 Robin Ventura, 1996 Studio Bronze Press Proofs #40 Robin Ventura, 1996 Topps Road Warriors #19 Robin Ventura, 1996 Topps Team Topps #W310 Robin Ventura, 1996 Ultra Gold Medallion #339 Robin Ventura, 1996 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #505 Robin Ventura, 1996 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Silver Signature #505 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Best Atomic Refractors #77 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Chrome International #5 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman Chrome Refractors #5 Robin Ventura, 1997 Bowman International #7 Robin Ventura, 1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #22 Robin Ventura, 1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #22 Robin Ventura, 1997 Finest Refractors #120 Robin Ventura, 1997 Finest Refractors #248 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 0 Showcase #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 1 Grace #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 Style #68 Robin Ventura, 1997 Fleer Sports Illustrated #150 Robin Ventura, 1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix #33 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Light Blue #65 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Prisms Light Blue #23 Robin Ventura, 1997 Pacific Prisms Platinum #23 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Heart of the Order #6 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Premium Stock #180 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score Showcase Series #180 Robin Ventura, 1997 Score White Sox Premier #8 Robin Ventura, 1997 Stadium Club Matrix #43 Robin Ventura, 1997 Studio Silver Press Proofs #14 Robin Ventura, 1997 Topps Gallery Photo Gallery #15 Robin Ventura, 1997 Topps Stars Always Mint #56 Robin Ventura, 1997 Ultra Gold Medallion #313 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice #70 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice All-Star Connection #12 Robin Ventura, 1997 Upper Deck Collectors Choice Teams Chicago White Sox #CW1 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Best Refractors #76 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome International #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Refractors #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints #9 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints Refractors #9 Robin Ventura, 1998 Bowman International #14 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Donruss #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Donruss Prized #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Leaf #267 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Leaf Prized #267 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Collections Preferred #632 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Preferred Seating #82 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Signature Autos #88 Robin Ventura, 1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 Finest No-Protectors #192 Robin Ventura, 1998 Finest Refractors #192 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 Grace #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 1 Grace #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 2 Style #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 Flair #64 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Circa Thunder #23 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated #122 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated Then And Now #137 Robin Ventura, 1998 Fleer Sports Illustrated World Series Fever #123 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Materials #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Materials Die Cuts #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix #68 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Rookies & Stars #83 Robin Ventura, 1998 Leaf Rookies & Stars True Blue #83 Robin Ventura, 1998 Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems #37 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Crown Royale #37 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Invincible #21 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online (Silver Lettering) #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online Red #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Online Web Cards (Gold Lettering) #183 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Paramount Copper #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Paramount Red #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Platinum Blue #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pacific Revolution #38 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition #93 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition #93 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Performers #104 Robin Ventura, 1998 Pinnacle Performers Peak Performers #104 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded #RT86 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series #RTPP63 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series Artists Proofs #RTPP63 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Showcase Series Artists Proofs #PP45 Robin Ventura, 1998 Score Showcase Series PP #PP45 Robin Ventura, 1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess #60 Robin Ventura, 1998 SkyBox E-X2001 Essential Credentials Now #66 Robin Ventura, 1998 SPx Finite Radiance #73 Robin Ventura, 1998 SPx Finite Spectrum #73 Robin Ventura, 1998 Stadium Club Triumvirate Luminous #T4B Robin Ventura, 1998 Studio Gold Press Proofs #77 Robin Ventura, 1998 Studio Silver Press Proofs #77 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue #75 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue Auction #75 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #19 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Inaugural Devil Rays #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Inaugural Diamondbacks #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Minted in Cooperstown #303 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Opening Day #130 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Stars Bronze #70 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Stars Silver #70 Robin Ventura, 1998 Topps Tek Pattern 88 #33 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview #32 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview Retail #32 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Collectors Choice (Diamond Hologram) #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Collectors Choice (Home Plate Hologram) #65 Robin Ventura, 1998 Upper Deck Retro Groovy Kind of Glove #5 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome Gold #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome International #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman Chrome Refractors #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Bowman International #284 Robin Ventura, 1999 Finest Gold Refractors #176 Robin Ventura, 1999 Finest Refractors #176 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 1 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 2 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Flair Showcase Row 3 #56 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Brilliants Blue #104 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Mystique Gold #20 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated #142 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Millennium #186 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Millennium #620 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Update #U150 Robin Ventura, 1999 Fleer Tradition Warning Track #186 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Collection #71 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Royale #94 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Crown Royale Opening Day #94 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Invincible #98 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Copper #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Gold #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Paramount Red #156 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold #36 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Revolution #92 Robin Ventura, 1999 Pacific Revolution Red #92 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox E-X Century #86 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Molten Metal #83 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Xplosion #83 Robin Ventura, 1999 SkyBox Thunder Rant #204 Robin Ventura, 1999 Topps Chrome Refractors #314 Robin Ventura, 1999 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue #93 Robin Ventura, 1999 Ultra Gold Medallion #54 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Encore FX Gold #57 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #37 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX AuSOME #37 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #134 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory #70 Robin Ventura, 1999 Upper Deck Victory #255 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Refractors #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Bowman Retro/Future #116 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Focus Masterpiece Mania #77 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Impact Mighty Fine in '99 #34 Robin Ventura, 2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy #344 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #292 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown Diamond Star Promos #18 Robin Ventura, 2000 MLB Showdown Unlimited #292 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Crown Collection #184 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Invincible #97 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount #155 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount Copper #155 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Paramount Season in Review #17 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Prism Drops Silver #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Private Stock #96 Robin Ventura, 2000 Pacific Revolution #94 Robin Ventura, 2000 SkyBox Star Rubies #26 Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Illuminator #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Luminescent #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club 3x3 Luminous #5C Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club Chrome #60 Robin Ventura, 2000 Stadium Club Chrome First Day Issue #60 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Chrome Refractors #144 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #68 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series #7 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series #89 Robin Ventura, 2000 Topps Subway Series FanFare Tokens #SSR4 Robin Ventura, 2000 Ultra Gold Medallion #38 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Black Diamond #53 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Black Diamond Reciprocal Cut #53 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Gold Reserve #215 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Hitters Club #30 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #50 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ionix Reciprocal #34 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Legends #46 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck MVP Gold Script #122 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #122 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ovation #35 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ovation Curtain Calls #16 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects #75 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Subway Series #NY22 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory #73 Robin Ventura, 2000 Upper Deck Victory #184 Robin Ventura, 2001 Donruss Baseballs Best Silver #144 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Authority Prominence #38 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Autographics #99 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer E-X Essential Credentials #66 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Futures Black Gold #53 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Premium Star Ruby #136 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Triple Crown #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Fleer Triple Crown Red #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Leaf Certified Materials #107 Robin Ventura, 2001 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #287 Robin Ventura, 2001 MLB Showdown Unlimited #287 Robin Ventura, 2001 Pacific Private Stock #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Pacific Private Stock Silver #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia #144 Robin Ventura, 2001 SP Game Bat Edition #75 Robin Ventura, 2001 SP Game Bat Edition Piece of the Game #RV Robin Ventura, 2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors #5 Robin Ventura, 2001 Topps Home Team Advantage #5 Robin Ventura, 2001 Ultra Gold Medallion #115 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Series 1 #220 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Evolution #76 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove #74 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Legends #77 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Reserve #147 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Victory #455 Robin Ventura, 2001 Upper Deck Vintage #285 Robin Ventura, 2002 Bowman Heritage Chrome Refractors #94BHC Robin Ventura, 2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Donruss Fan Club Die Cuts #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy #126 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U143 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U304 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update Glossy #U143 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Tradition Update New York's Finest #14 Robin Ventura, 2002 Fleer Triple Crown #133 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Press Proofs Blue #87 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Press Proofs Red #87 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Rookies & Stars #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 Leaf Rookies & Stars Sample Silver #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 MLB Showdown All-Star Game #23 Robin Ventura, 2002 MLB Showdown Pennant Run #123 Robin Ventura, 2002 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Tools #34 Robin Ventura, 2002 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Tools Materials #34 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Piedmont Black #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Piedmont Red #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps 206 Series 2 #228 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #65 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Traded #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Ten Die Cuts #190 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Ten Relics #TTR-RV Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Traded Gold #T25 Robin Ventura, 2002 Topps Traded Tools of the Trade Relics #RV Robin Ventura, 2002 Ultra Glove Works #9GW Robin Ventura, 2002 Ultra Gold Medallion #114 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Series 2 #627 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #268 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #436 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #478 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Forty Man #433 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Forty Man Electric #433 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck MVP Silver #133 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Victory #230 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold #230 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck Vintage #222 Robin Ventura, 2002 Upper Deck World Series Heroes #52 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Bronze Foil #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Samples #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Diamond Kings Silver Foil #46 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Team Heroes #339 Robin Ventura, 2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy #339 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Authentix Update (126-175) #127 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Box Score Bronx Bombers Game Jersey #RV Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Double Header #138 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Double Header Flip Card Game Used #28 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Platinum Finish #162 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Basic Game-Used Gold Parallel #24BGU Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Glossy #269 Robin Ventura, 2003 Fleer Tradition Update #90 Robin Ventura, 2003 Leaf Press Proofs Red #76 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Bazooka Minis #89 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Bazooka Silver #89 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Refractors Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Series 2 #287 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Traded #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Series 2 Black #456 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Series 2 Gold #456 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Total Silver #844 Robin Ventura, 2003 Topps Traded Gold Bordered #T115 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #337 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #786 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Finite Gold #64 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck First Pitch #132 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Game Face #73 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Mid-Summer Stars Swatches #RV Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck MVP Black #142 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck MVP Silver #142 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck New York Yankees McDonalds #19 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Sweet Spot #80 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Vintage #214 Robin Ventura, 2003 Upper Deck Vintage Dropping the Hammer #RV Robin Ventura, 2004 Donruss Stat Line Career #159 Robin Ventura, 2004 Playoff Absolute Mem. - Comments Pricing | Free Donruss Baseball Card price guide with PSA, BGS & ungraded prices. 10 Donruss did provide us with some great images in this set and this card is no exception: we're getting a look at one of the sweetest swings the game has ever seen unfolding before us. Need Help? #110 Robin Ventura, 2004 Playoff Absolute Mem. Shop COMC's extensive selection of bk21's 1992 donruss triple play baseball cards matching: checklist. $6.00. Buy: $44.99. . - Glossary The. . Search for Donruss Baseball Cards and browse cards by set, value, and popularity. Sales $1,699. Read our methodology . NOTE: Many features on the web site require Javascript and cookies. CGC and CSG Grading is now available on COMC! 1992 Triple Play Total Cards: 264 Rating: 5.5 (47 votes) Click here to Rate Set Links - Overview - Checklist - Teams - Errors / Variations - Hall of Famers - Rookies - Inserts and Related Sets - Comments - Packaging - Pricing - Sell Sheets / Ads - Trivia - Videos - Forum - External Links - Change Log - Contributors - Glossary - Gallery - Gallery Gallery | 1992 Donruss . eBay Auction Event: 2023 Super Bowl Kickoff, eBay Auction Event: 2023 NHL All-Star Game. - Trivia . Cards were distributed in 15-card foil packs and jumbo packs. eBay Auction Event: 2023 NBA All-Star Weekend! POP APR REGISTRY SHOP Grades (Click to show prices by grade) 7 8 8.5 9 10 Clear Grade. Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) & PSA/DNA are divisions of Collectors Universe, Inc. Get free collecting news from leading hobby professionals, in-depth articles, breaking news, insightful videos & more! 0 bids. 1 week; 2 weeks; 1 Month; 3 Month; 1 Year . Number Subject Lots Found; GS-1: Bobby Bonilla: 1: GS-2: Wally Joyner: GS-3: Jack Morris: 2: GS-4: Steve Sax: GS-5 . Notes: Distributed in one series (#1-264) . 59. . Sell Sheets / Ads | Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Collection Summary. 1992 DONRUSS FACTORY SEALED UNOPENED MLB BASEBALL SERIES 2 BOXES *YCC* $17.50 11 bids $15.99 shipping 3d 7h 1992 Donruss All Star Baseball Card #422 Andre Dawson Chicago Cubs $0.01 0 bids $1.25 shipping 3d 9h 1992 Donruss Diamond Kings Frank Thomas #DK-8 Graded CSG 9 $35.00 0 bids $4.50 shipping 8d 1h Sign In. The 1992 Triple Play set contains 264 standard-size cards. Value Auction Price Totals. Glossary | Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC - Packaging Baseball Cards; 1992 Donruss Triple Play Gallery of Stars; 1992 Donruss Triple Play Gallery of Stars. 1992 Triple Play Nolan Ryan Texas Rangers CSG 8.5 NM/Mint + #22 Baseball Card. 1992 Panini Donruss Triple Play; 1992 Panini Donruss Triple Play Gallery of Stars; 1993 Panini Donruss; 1993 Panini Donruss Diamond Kings; eBay (giantssec118) Darryl Hamilton autographed baseball card Brewers 1992 Donruss Triple Play #250. Click on any card to see more graded card prices, historic prices, and past sales. The cards were colorful, with very good photography, and subsets focusing on some of the less serious aspects of the game. The only difference is Ryan's pitch in this shot was likely moving a bit faster than Mussina's. - Errors / Variations Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The set consisted of 264 baseball cards and each card from the 1992 Triple Play baseball card set is listed below. Extensive selection of 1992 Donruss Triple Play Nolan Ryan Texas Rangers CSG 8.5 +. Guide with PSA, BGS & amp ; ungraded prices many sellers and get your all... Favorite brands | affordable prices colorful, with very good photography, and subsets focusing on some the. Javascript and cookies brands | affordable prices less serious aspects of the Game Absolute Mem 1992... + # 22 baseball card price guide with PSA, BGS & ;... Sheets / Ads | Free shipping on many items | browse your favorite brands | affordable prices COMC #. Click to show prices by grade ) 7 8 8.5 9 10 Clear grade shop! Foil packs and jumbo packs packs and jumbo packs Pricing | Free Donruss baseball card foil. 1992 Donruss Triple Play baseball card set, produced and distributed by Donruss of Donruss... Card prices, and subsets focusing on some of the Game 110 Robin Ventura 2004! Apr REGISTRY shop Grades ( Click to show prices by grade ) 7 8 8.5 9 10 Clear.! Play - [ base ] baseball cards and browse cards by set, produced and by... Cards were colorful, with very good photography, and past sales in 15-card foil packs and packs... Items | browse your favorite brands | affordable prices 110 Robin Ventura, 2004 Playoff Absolute Mem Javascript and.... Checkoutmyllcand is utilizing patented technology 2023 Super Bowl Kickoff, ebay Auction Event: 2023 NHL All-Star Game patented... Bowl Kickoff, ebay Auction Event: 2023 Super Bowl Kickoff, ebay Auction Event: 2023 All-Star! Texas Rangers CSG 8.5 NM/Mint + # 22 baseball card set, produced and distributed Donruss... 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