Only GGG Members can submit a "Data Correction" for their own surnames. Names with an asterisk have been added to this list at the request of individuals who have Gottscheer ancestors and the surname was not included in Hutter's publication. more recognizable and predictable. For example, the Lbeck Stadtarchiv has an alphabetical card index of all names in church records of several parishes at their archive. Vollstndiges Ortschaften-Verzeichniss der im Reichsrathe vertretenen Knigreiche und Lnder nach den Ergebnissen der Volkszhlung vom 31. the children of a couple, determine the mothers age and go forward until she is 45. Today, most of us take spelling for granted. It is except in the Slovenian parishes, and the Gottscheer parishes moved to Slovenian after 1 has been completed. This booklet is a description of Max Misches visit to his homeland of Gottschee in 1994. Some areas used preprinted forms that required specific information. One of Most Gottscheer men who served in the Austrian army enlisted in the old 43rd Infantry Regiment (disbanded in 1810) or later in the 17th Infantry Regiment. December 1890. Please report any WEBSITE PROBLEMS to the GGG WEBMASTER. record in its entirety. were in. Use duplicates, where available, to supplement parish registers that are missing or illegible. The registers of baptisms, marriages, and deaths from different geographic areas vary considerably in the amount of information they provide. Church records were the official vital records for the Habsburg empire. Old age was given as the cause of death in people These microfilm records are available through a local Family History Library of the Mormon church. All Rights Reserved. was necessary for a groom to prove he could support a wife before permission was given to A complete genealogy should include all This collection contains an index of names found in parish registers from numerous Protestant communities that are today part of the German state of Thuringia. A tool, which I have found to be exceptionally helpful is Ernest Thodes German-English Agnitsch | Altenreither | Ambrosch | Anderkohl | Andolshek | Anschlowar | Ante | Arch | Arko | Asmann | Asoli |Auersperg | Aupitsch | Autschin, Bablas | Bach | Bachmaier | Bambitsch, Bambic | Banitsch | Barbitsch | Bartelme | Barthol | Bauer | Bautscher | Bohin | Belai | Belan | Beljon | Bencina, Bencin | Binder | Berec | Bizal | Blasch | Blatnik | Bobjatsch | Bobner, Wobner | Boiz | Boltesar | Bradatsch | Braune | Breser, Bresser | Brinskelle, Wrinskelle | Brischke | Brodgesell | Brustmann | Buchte | Bukowitz | Burger | Butscher, Capelari | Cebin | Cekoll, Zhekoll | Cetinski | Cian | Cimperc | Cuk, Darowitsch | Deboschek | Dejak | Detzl | Deutschmann | Diez, Dietz | Dobelak|Dolar | Dornig | Drobnitsch | Drfeld | Dulzer | Duzzi, Ecker | Eisenzopf | Engele | Eppich | Erjavec | Erker | Erler | Erschen, Fabian | Falkner | Fartely | Fellacher | Fifolt | Fink | Fitz | Flack | Formanek | Fornbacher | Frank | Freiburger | Fritz | Fritzel | Fuchs | Fugina | Frer, Ganslmaier | Gasparitsch | Gerbetz, Gerbitz | Gerbitsch | Gerdaschitsch | Gerger | Glad | Gladitsch | Glatz | Gliebe | Gode | Gderer | Gole | Gstel, Gestel | Grabner | Grais | Gramer | Gregoritsch | Greisch | Grill | Grtschmann | Gruber | Grnseich | Gusitsch | Gutschek, Haas | Haberle | Hace | Handler | Hauff | Hegenbart | Herbst | Hiris | Hirsch | Hocevar | Hfferle | Hoffmann | Hoge | Hgler, Hegler | Hnigmann | Horvat | Hribar, Hriber | Huber | Hudolin | Hutter, Jaklitsch | Jakomini | Jakopin | Jaksche | Janesch | Jaworek | Jelenc | Jellen | Jencic | Jerman | Jesche | Jeschelnig | Jonke | Juran | Juray | Jurkowitsch | Jurmann, Kadunz | Kaifesch | Kalitsch | Kaltschich | Kaltz | Kamme | Kapsch | Kapun | Karoschetz | Karsche | Kastinger | Katsch | Kautsky | Keische, Kesche | Kemperle | Kerbisch | Kersche | Kikel, Kickel | Kinast | Kinkopf | Klamnik | Klaric | Klemen | Klementitsch, Klementschitsch | Klemm | Klenhart | Klun | Knapfel | Knaus | Knspler | Kobe | Kobetitsch | Kabola | Kofler | Kohar | Kokoschinek | Kolac | Kolar | Kollmann | Kommuzi | Knig | Konte | Kordisch| Koritnik | Koren | Korschitz | Kosar | Koschak | Koschel | Koscher |Koschier | Ksel | Kosler | Kosmerl | Kosneck | Kstner | Kotar | Kotnik | Kotze | Kowatsch | Kowatschitsch | Kraic | Kraker | Kral, Krall | Kramaritsch | Kramer | Kraschowitz | Krasowitz | Kratschwil | Krauland | Kraus | Kreiner | Kren | Kresse | Kreuz | Kreuzmaier | Krisch | Krische | Krivetz | Krobath | Kromar | Kropf | Kropfitsch | Krpfl | Kukitz | Kull | Kump | Kurre | Kuruzar | Kusold | Kusole | Kuznik, Lackner | Ladicha | Lampeter | Lauritsch | Ledenig | Leinert | Leschitsch | Lesjak | Lesser | Leustig | Levsteg | Lipowitz | Lobe | Lobisser | Locker | Loger | Lokac | Lorber | Lorenz | Loretitsch | Loschin | Loschke | Loser | Loske | Loy | Lube | Luhn |Lukan | Lunder | Luscher | Lustig, Macher | Maichin | Maierle | Majestic | Majetitsch | Makarutti | Maksche | Mallner | Mallneritsch | Mams | Mandelz | Mantel | Marek | Marintsch | Marinzel | Marn | Martin | Maruschitsch | Mataja | Mateka | Matzelle | Maurin | Maurowitsch | Mausser | Mawetz | Meditz | Meisel | Melz | Merwer | Metlikowitsch | Michaljewitsch | Michelitsch | Michitsch | Miede | Mihalic | Miklitsch | Mikolitsch | Mille | Mische | Modic, Moditz | Mohar | Montel | More | Morscher | Morwein | Moschner | Muchitsch | Muchowitsch | Mule | Murn | Muschler, Nadler | Naglitsch | Nezitsch | Nick | Niese | Nossan | Notsch | Nowak, Novak, Obaidin | Ofak | Orazem | Osanitsch | Ostermann | Oswald, Pachinger | Palese | Paltschitsch | Pangretitsch | Panter | Papesch | Paar | Parthe | Paulin | Paulitsch | Pausche | Pavlitschek | Payer | Peinitsch | Peitler | Pelegrini | Pelitsch | Pelz | Perko | Perleschnik | Permoser | Persche | Perz | Peschl | Pestl | Petaln | Petronowitsch | Petschauer | Petsche | Petschiak | Pettin | Pezdirz, Presdirz | Pfeffrer | Pfeifer | Pibernik | Pickert | Pinter | Piritsch | Piskur | Pirnat | Pirstel | Pirstitz | Pirzel | Pitzel | Plesch | Plesche | Pleschinger | Plut | Pojlajen | Podlogar | Pogelschek | Pogorelz | Poje | Polde | Politto | Poreber, Pureber | *Porotsch | Porte | Porupski | Posnik | Pospischil | Pototschar | Pousche | Preiditsch | Prenner, Brenner | Primosch | Princic | Pust | Putre, Puttre, Rabitsch | Rabuse | Rack | Rade | Radischinski | Radovic | Radske | Raker | Ramor | Rankel | Ranzinger | Rapinz | Raschke | Ratschki | Rauch | Recher | Reimann | Reischl | Reiter | Ribitsch | Riegler | Roditsch | Rogale | Rom | Roschitsch| Rossi |Rossmann | Rotenhauser | Roth | Rthel | Rovan | Rupartschitsch | Ruppe | Russ, Sajowitz | Salaba | Saletl | Samida | Satter | Sbaschnig | Schadinger | Schaffer | Schager | Schauer | Scheger | Schemitsch | Schemitz | Scherzer | Scheschareg | Scheschark | Schifrer | Schimitsch | Schinko | Schiwatz | Schlaff, Schlaf | Schlaun | Schleimer | Schlenz | Schlinderer | Schlindra | Schmalz | Schmidt | Schmuck | Schuscha | Schneider | Schniderschitz | Schober | Schrei | Schuschmerl | Schuschtar | Schuss | Schuster | Schusteritsch | Schusterschitz | Schutte | Schwasnik | Schweiger |Sdrawitsch | Sebal | Sedar, Seder | Sedler | Seitz | Seljak | Sieder, Sider| Sigmund, Siegmund | Simoninc | Simorada | Skedl | Skender | Skerbin |Skiber | Skock | Skof | Skoupil | Skube | Skubitz | Skufza | Slantz | Sliber| Smergut | Smole | Sobetz | Sorger | Sowitsch | Spiletitsch | Spiski |Spitznagel | Sporer | Spreitzer | Springer | Stalzer | Stampfel | Stangel | Stanic | Staudacher | Stefandl | Steinacher | Sterbenz | Sterle | Sternole | Stieblei | Stiene | Stimitz, Stimetz | Stimpfel | *Stimpfl | Stonitsch | Straub | Strgule | Stritzel | Struna | Sturm | Suchadobnik | Sumperer | Suppan | Suppanz | Suppantischitsch | Srge | Swaschnig | Swetitsch, Tanke | Tomele | Terasch | Testin | Thaler | Thellian | Tischan | Tittmann | Tolg | Tomaschek | Tomitsch | Tomitz | Torbar | Tramposch | Trocha | Trocher| Troja | Troje | Trost | Truger | Tschampa | Tschepitsch | Tscheppin |Tscherne | Tschernkowitsch Tschetschelski | Tschinkel | Tschopp | Tuma | Turk | Turanski | Turski | Tuschek, Uhan | Ule | Ulzar | Uran | Urbantschitsch | Urbicher | Urbisch | Urek, Valentischitsch | Vavken | Venchiarutti | Vendig | Verderber | Vivodinar | Vogel | Voglin | Vogrin | Vrtatschitsch, Waletitsch | Wallisch | Weber | Weiss | Welz | *Wetz | Wenetitsch | Wessel | Widmer | Widerwohl | Windischmann | Wittine | Wittreich | Woldin | Wolf | Wondrak | Wrinskelle | Wuchse | Wuchte, Zabukowetz | Zadnik | Zagar, Zager | Zalta | Zanski | Zele | Zhekoll,Zekoll| Zherne, Zerne | *Ziegelfest | Zima | Zimmermann | Zimpritsch | Zose | Zurl Zwar | Zwickle, // such a record, but if you do not find any proof, this person cannot be part of your This format is usually easier to read because the vital information is in the same place in each entry. Protestant records were usually written in German. Gottschee Surnames Federal Criminal Records Military Letters 1863-1865 Navy Enlistments 1864-1865 Lusitania . [CDATA[ If a couple needed to get married quickly, permission to skip the proclamations could be obtained for a fee. Stillbirths or children who died before receiving baptism were not recorded the same way in all churches. At the end of both World Wars, the boundaries of the states were changed dramatically, as areas of Germany were distributed among the Allied nations. Parishes are local congregations that may have included many neighboring villages in their boundaries. Use the The Catholic Directory to find the diocese for your parish. as soon as they are completed. Over the course of 600 years, they developed their own customs and a dialect of Old German called Gottscheerish. Published in Excel format, the index lists the names of Gottscheers living in the U.S. published in the Gottscheer Gedenkbuch 1330-1947 by the Gottscheer Relief Association, compiled by John Kikel. In some of the parishes, these records begin in the late 1600s, although most begin in the 1700s, and all end in 1941. the words used in the old records. replenishing. Records of the twentieth century may provide additional details, such as the name of the hospital, birthplace of parents, occupation of the parents, marital status of the mother, and the number of other children born to the mother. 100% coverage cannot be guaranteed. To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Catholic records are usually written in Latin or German, while other records will be written in the local language. for other, better-off families. include other information about the bride and groom, such as: the names of previous spouses and perhaps their death dates. December 1900. The fact that it FamilySearch Catalog, Die Maus, Index to Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bremen Church Books, index, ($) If you do not want to purchase the above publication, the microfilm numbers can be obtained at the LDS Family History Library. Alphabetisches Verzeichni der Namen aller Ortschaften, Schlsser, Gter und Hfe im Herzogthume Krain, mit Bercksichtigung der Landeseintheilung vom Jahre 1854. 2006, 50 pages Matricula Online, Vechta There is no LDS Slovenian Word List, but GHGA has a small one compiled by the Slovenian Genealogical Society. Military churches in garrison towns and cities often kept their own records separate from other parishes. NYC Municipal Archives Holdings Quick Chart by Joseph McMahon. In the early 1800s, you will get only one village, maybe just the These are Lutheran church records from Thuringia, Germany. Item #450, ISBN 1-931509-01-8. When the authorities filmed the records in 1941, they filmed all the right side pages, then the left side pages, as the parish books were very large. helps you locate the village with the highest percentage of a particular surname. Whenever possible, you should confirm all information found in family registers with baptism, marriage, and burial records. Of areas no longer in Germany, only the Polish provinces whose records are stored in Berlin are included in this table. Records: 60 Born in Pollandl, Gottschee, Austria on 22 May 1842 to Johan Matzelle and Maria Grill. the birth date of your known ancestor and check the marriage records from the day before Soon local pastors were required to provide the town administration with a yearly copy of these records. Some confirmation registers merely list: Other confirmation registers give additional information about those being confirmed, including: Some parishes kept family registers that give information about each family group in the parish. FamilySearch Historical Records Pomerania (Pommern) Gottscheers helped each other, working from one farm to the next until all fall crops Note that Exact Match searches for names containing oe will not also find names with , and other similar common substitutions. (Semic) or in Maierle and Strassenberg, both in the parish of Tschernembl. Search the burial registers for all family members. The Internet has become a great genealogical tool. That connection needs to be kept and never changed. Baptism registers usually give: The earliest marriage records may give only the names of the bride and groom and have little or no information about the couple's parents. No new records were added. Church record inventories are available for most areas in Germany. For the provinces of East Prussia (Ostpreussen), Posen, Pomerania (Pommern), Silesia (Schlesien), parts of Brandenburg, and West Prussia (Westpreussen), areas which no longer belong to Germany, the online gazetteer, Class: Finding Places in the Former German Area of Poland, Berlin Evangelical Central Archive Inventory Online - The, The records for the eastern provinces of Prussia that went to Poland are in the, GERMANY - CHURCH RECORDS - INVENTORIES, REGISTERS, CATALOGS, GERMANY, [STATE] - CHURCH RECORDS - INVENTORIES, REGISTERS, CATALOGS, Each day of the year had several patron saints and was a feast day to honor those saints. Topographisch-statistisch-historisches Comptoir-, Amts-, Post-, Reise- und Zeitungs- Lexikon von Deutschland, eine vollstndige deutsche Landes-, Volks- und Staatskunde. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Most proclamations took place on consecutive Sundays. The Wiki page for each of the historical provinces of Germany, containing more detail about online records, and a map of Regional Churches can be found later in this article. published by GHGA. This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 14:19. Next, search for the parents' marriage date and place. The guidebook contains the microfilm numbers for the Catholic church parish records of marriage, baptisms, death, and family records (census of each village); the names of the villages within each parish, plus the name of the original parish and date when a parish split into two parishes. Some early death records only Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898, Thuringia, Germany, Selected Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1549-1876. A paper copy of Germany's official records of approximately 12,000 ethnic Germans from the new Italian "provinces Lubiana" most of whom were Gottscheers, who were resettled from their homeland in 1941. If there were no marriage restrictions, girls typically married for the first time between ages 18 and 25. What do you do if you do not know what parish/village your ancestor came from? U.S. and state census records are an excellent source for the many Gottscheers who emigrated from Gottschee in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Use the following Guides to help locate Family Registers specific to the area where your ancestors lived: Baden, Germany, Church Record Family Register 1500-1874 Guide. Website Proudly Made in the USA. Item #490, ISBN 1-931509-04-2. When checking for all (Aids in reading the microfilmed records are the LDS German Genealogy Word List, which may be downloaded at no charge from and type in German Word List, then print. TrustLogo("", "POSDV", "none"); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + tlJsHost + "trustlogo/javascript/trustlogo.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); FamilySearch Catalog, FamilySearch Historical Records Brandenburg and Posen Although the This area was populated by about 30,000 people. Parish boundaries often changed, which affected where church records were kept. 1; 1941 in Gottschee, Gottschee Parish, Austria. Protestants were usually confirmed around age 14, Catholics about age 12. Through the numerous American Gottscheer clubs such as the Gottscheer Heritage and The Wiki page for each of the historical provinces of Germany, containing more detail about online records, and a map of Catholic dioceses can be found later in this article. Often the child and parents are listed on the left side of the page, and the year and birth/baptism date on the right. If more than one possible candidate is found, search confirmation, marriage, and burial records to determine the correct individual. In 1941 the German National Family Center (Reichs-Sippenamt) microfilmed all the Gottschee Catholic Church Parish Records (baptisms, marriages, deaths, Familienbuch (census), marriage banns). , visit their WEBSITE at to skip the proclamations could be obtained for a fee be that... Receiving baptism were not recorded the same way in all churches and cities often kept their own customs and dialect. Germany before civil registration began genealogy and Family history in the late 1800s early! Been completed and state census records are an excellent source for the parents ' marriage date place. Information, Event Type ( Birth, baptism, marriage, and from! Were usually confirmed around age 14, Catholics about age 12 Using the Microfilms... Enlistments 1864-1865 Lusitania at 14:19 Largest Family Tree Catholic records this collection is an index to GGG! 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