$500 - $2,500. !---->
How does the manufacturer's warranty work with my Allstate Protection Plan? "position": 0,
Top 3 Home Warranties for Frigidaire Appliances. The ReviewHomeWarranties site is geo-targeted, which may have an impact on how the ranking of the sites may appear to any particular user. ]
Its true. Our goal is to keep you a satisfied customer for life. 10 Years. "url": "https://www.frigidaire.com/", In order to proceed to the next step, you must agree to Privacy policy, Please indicate if you are interested in optional labor coverage, What sold me on this product? Nortek Global HVAC LLC, 2017. "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" If you don't receive your service contract within two business days or would like to request a paper copy, please call us at 1-888-775-6937. Your freezer's serial number may vary by freezer type. Please see the complete terms and conditions. For top-tier coverage on 23 major appliances and systems, the American Home Shield Platinum Plan has you covered. If you purchased your unit prior to April 2, 2007, please call 1-800-422-4328 to confirm your warranty coverage on Frigidaire air conditioners, heat pumps and gas furnaces. }
Your cooktop/stovetop's serial number is typically located along the underside of the cooktop base when lifted. Click Register Your Warranty, and enter your serial number in the top right hand corner.
(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': - Frigidaire HVAC
Contact Information: Nortek Global HVAC customer service Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CST Monday through Friday Phone: 1-800-422-4328 e-mail customer service (Please enter model and serial number in the subject line of the e-mail) For top-tier coverage on 23 major appliances and systems, the. Need more information? Register your appliance to unlock helpful tips and information on your product to keep it running great. window.appInsights=appInsights;
In fact, each product goes through our check, check and recheck process at each stage of the manufacturing process. And while their warranty coverage is adequate, there is a lot that can go wrong, even with a high-quality product like Frigidaire. of
With Choice Home Warranty, you get the best in coverage, price, and service. Convenient, in-home service with a toll-free call. Up to three full years of freedom from costly repair bills. (window.lpTag = { wl: lpTag.wl || null, scp: lpTag.scp || null, site: '52835523' || '', section: lpTag.section || '', tagletSection: lpTag.tagletSection || null, autoStart: lpTag.autoStart !== !1, ovr: lpTag.ovr || {}, _v: '1.10.0', _tagCount: 1, protocol: 'https:', events: { bind: function (t, e, i) { lpTag.defer(function () { lpTag.events.bind(t, e, i) }, 0) }, trigger: function (t, e, i) { lpTag.defer(function () { lpTag.events.trigger(t, e, i) }, 1) } }, defer: function (t, e) { 0 === e ? **NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. To reach a service team member please call: 1-800-374-4432. I love that the techs go above and beyond, even so far as educating the homeowners on maintenance. Significant discrepancy between time of registration period and actual product shipped date. Maintain your original dated sales receipt. If you don't register your refrigerator, the warranty lasts one year.
Home / Central Heating & Cooling / Air Conditioners Contractor Login, Choosing a Contractor If you are having a problem with your appliance, we want to help. It will be visible when the door is open. Error with the original serial number registered for warranty. If the coverage is valid, the dealer will file the claim to be reimbursed through the warranty providers claim process. "name": "Owner Center"
Product Registration FAQ Terms and Conditions Product Registration Contact Us Buy Now Register Your New Product Currently we are not able to process registrations for Canadian customers. Box 212549. The serial number of a top freezer refrigerator can be seen along the upper left side wall of the fresh food compartment and is visible when the door is opened. } I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Is an extended warranty on a Frigidaire product a good idea? If you are having a problem with your Frigidaire appliance you can speak to one of our skilled associates, who will help with the diagnosis and schedule a service appointment as necessary. {
As a result of both very strong demand for our appliances and the global supply chain shortages, some of our appliances are experiencing a fulfillment delay. The model number of an upright freezer can be seen along the interior side trim and visible when the door is opened. As a Frigidaire appliance owner, you have several service options.
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